Events calendar

Company tour and SOFIS first-aid workshop


To all IGR Alumni in Morbihan,

We are pleased to announce the date of the 1st IGR ALUMNI 56 event of 2024!

Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 7pm.

Elodie BRODIN, Marketing Manager at SOFIS Formation, and Jean-Baptiste GUILLAUME, Head of the IGR Alumni 56 Delegation, invite you to discover SOFIS, an occupational health and safety training organization based in Belz.

On the program:

- A brief presentation of the company and its activities, followed by a practical workshop on first aid, led by an expert SOFIS trainer,

- A convivial moment to continue the exchanges over a drink at the Ivre Mer brasserie, just opposite SOFIS.

We look forward to seeing you at this new IGR Alumni 56 meeting!

Meet us on February 15th at 7pm at SOFIS - 7 rue de Tog Ru, ZA du Suroît in BELZ.

An original idea for your first resolution of 2024!

See you soon,


Thursday 15th February 2024
19h00 - 21h30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 13th February
7 Rue de Tog Ru
56550 Belz

Registration closed
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7 Rue de Tog Ru
56550 Belz

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Thursday 15th February 2024
19h00 - 21h30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 13th February
7 Rue de Tog Ru
56550 Belz

Registration closed
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