

The Ille-et-Vilaine territory brings together all former IGR-IAE Rennes graduates living or working in the Ille-et-Vilaine department.

It has a special role, as it is the departmental group is located in the same area as IGR-IAE Rennes.

The main aim is to unite all the graduating classes, whatever their year or speciality.

To achieve this, a number of events are organized throughout the year, including afterworks, company meetings and webinars.


Our current activities:

organizing events throughout the year.

taking part in the joint event "Un IGRien vous ouvre ses portes", which consists in meeting an IGRien in his or her company during the 2nd half of November.

We're always on the lookout for volunteers to host or simply suggest ideas for events, or even to host an event in your own home!

Would you like to join us?

Contact us:


Upcoming events

  1. Thursday 10 October at 19:00
    Save the Date: afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Nous sommes ravis de vous convier à un afterwork pour partager un moment de convivialité et d’échanges.   📅 Date : 10 octobre🕖 Heure: à partir de 19h📍 Lieu : à confirmer  ...

Previous events

  1. Thursday 25 April at 19:00
    Culinary and musical blind test evening
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Delegation 35 of IGR Alumni offers a new concept: a culinary (and musical) blind test evening on Thursday April 25. The Khimaira restaurant, privatized for the occasion, will...

  1. Thursday 29 February at 18:45
    A new event for Delegation 35!
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Our delegates are in a playful, dating mood! Nothing could be more normal in this month of February, the month of Valentine's Day, which is an exceptionally long 29 days!...

  1. 05 December 2023 at 18:30
    Company visit
    Organised by COTES D'ARMOR

    Company visit Invitation lancée par François DEMARS - nouveau Délégué 22 aux alumni de la région Find out more about Délégation 22

  1. 30 November 2023 at 18:30
    An Igerian opens his doors to you
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    An Algerian opens his doors to you For the November meeting, we're offering a different venue: the emblematic company "Ouest France" will welcome us on Thursday November 30 at 6.30pm for a tour of their premises...

  1. 28 September 2023 at 19:00
    Afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    A new afterwork will take place at the end of September in Rennes: make a note of the date! Join us for a convivial get-together open to all alumni, graduates and students....

  1. 29 June 2023 at 19:00
    Afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    A 100% IGRien afterwork awaits you on Thursday June 29! For this next summer rendezvous, Delegation 35 is honoring 2 graduates: Jean-François Bertrand (Master RH 2005) - Manager of...

  1. 02 March 2023 at 19:00
    Afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    The next afterwork in Rennes will take place on March 2. For this first meeting of the Délégation 35, we're expecting VERY many of you to get 2023 off to a great start! Exchanges,...

  1. 28 November 2022 at 19:00
    Afterwork IGR PRO

    MarketingIGR Pro presents its second afterwork entirely dedicated to Marketing✨ professions.The event will take place on Monday November 28 from 7pm to 9pm at the Picadilly bar in Rennes📍In...

  1. 16 November 2022 at 20:00
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    We suggest you continue the evening with us after the TVR tour (registration required) or join us from 8:00 pm at Le Gorille Bleu for an afterwork. The choice is yours! Alexandre &...

  1. 16 November 2022 at 17:45
    TV Rennes opens up to you!
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Join us for a tour of TV Rennes! We're delighted to invite you to this meeting* at TV Rennes. Aurélie ROUSSEAU, General Manager , will welcome us.Places are limited: register now!...

  1. 08 September 2022 at 19:00
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Afterwork in RennesAttention Rennes alumni: Delegation 35 is back in action on Thursday, September 08! We'll be meeting at Le Gorille Bleu, a stone's throw from Place des Lices, for a convivial...

  1. 30 June 2022 at 19:00
    Afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Alexandre POMMEY from Délégation 35 is organizing a get-together on Thursday June 30 to get together before the summer vacations... Meet us at Loco Loca for tapas and...

  1. 16 March 2022 at 19:00
    Afterwork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Alexandre and Maxime, the Délégués 35, are looking forward to seeing you soon! They're organizing an afterwork party on Wednesday, March 16, in a friendly bar in downtown Rennes....

  1. 01 June 2021 at 18:30
    Delegation 35 meeting
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    100% online appointmentsLet's get back to events within the Ille et Vilaine Delegation ! Given the still uncertain health situation and the lack of visibility, we'd like to propose a first meeting by...

  1. 25 January 2020 at 09:00
    JSE 2020

    Entrepreneurship5th edition of the JSE: theJournée Simulation Entrepreneur will take place on Saturday January 25, from 9am to 12pm at the IGR-IAE Rennes. If you have a business start-up or...

  1. 17 June 2019 at 19:00
    Financing the creation or takeover of my business: an obstacle course

    Finding financing for the creation or takeover of your future business can often be a real obstacle course... And while training is essential before taking the plunge, you also...

  1. 28 March 2019 at 18:30
    Cancellation: Meeting at Hellowork in Rennes
    Organised by ILLE-ET-VILAINE

    Company visitDue to the low number of participants, we are forced to cancel the company visit scheduled for Thursday March 28.We thank you for your understanding. Hellowork (ex. RégionsJob)...

  1. 23 January 2019 at 17:30
    Company visit: Convivio in Bédée

    Delegation 35 is organizing a company visit in the region. During this meeting ,Jocelyn RENOU, MAE graduate and Managing Director of the CONVIVIO group, will welcome you. On the...

  1. 05 December 2018 at 18:30
    An IGRien opens its doors to us at Brécé (35)

    Visit to the DEL company of the FIJA Group - Manufacturer of swimming pool equipmentFounded in 1975, DEL is the historic company of the FIJA Group. Antoine FOURNIER, a graduate of IGR-IAE Rennes (MAE Promo 2011/12), is currently the Group's Operations Director. He...

  1. 22 November 2018 at 19:00
    Networking Afterwork

    IGR Alumni invites all graduates to a convivial evening with current students. Exchanging ideas, sharing ideas, meeting new people - that's what the IGR Alumni network is all...


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